• Sacme srl
  • Sacme srl
  • Sacme srl
  • Sacme srl


The S.A.C.M.E. S.r.l. is an engineering company with residence at Tortoreto (TE) Italy.
Born in 2003 it was in the beginning of it’s activity.
The company was principally dedicated to the planning and construction of drawing machines take-up and pay-off systems automatic plants for the packing of net rolls, heat galvanisation plants and plants for pvc coating of wire fences.


Company Profile

S.A.C.M.E. S.r.l. is an engineering company seated in Tortoreto (TE) Italy. Born in 2003, in the beginning of it’s activity the company was a technical engeenering support for indistries working in the field of by-product wire rods.

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Life programme

Life programme

The aim of SACME is the reduction of environmental impact on production processes.
Our efforts towards environmental conservation and healthcare, found a special partner in European

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Le aziende S.A.C.ME. Srl, Metallurgica Abruzzese S.p.A. e Trafileria e Zincheria Cavatorta S.p.A. hanno sviluppato un progetto di ricerca e sviluppo, denominato “Sviluppo di una avanzata tecnologia industriale finalizzata all’impiego di nuove poliolefine modificate ecosostenibili per il rivestimento di fili, reti e pannelli metallici destinati all’industria, all’agricoltura ed alla itticoltura atlantica”, che ha avuto il sostegno del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale – PON – Asse 1 Priorità di investimento 1.b Azione 1.1.3 TR

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