The advantages from enhancement of Al and Ti swarfs in wires with high performances and obtained through coextrusion, are mostly of technical and environmental nature.
Environmental advantages:
- Direct recycle of alloy swarfs, even if partially oxidized or contaminate with lubrirefrigerants, without use of cleaners.
- Light alloys recycle in a quantity linearly growing with internal steel wire diameter.
- Coating process with lower temperatures than those for melting, with energy saving for heat supply and a lower steam emissions.
- Production of wires and electrowelded fences with longer duration, especially in most estreme use (sea environment with ammonia).
- Elimination of the hot galvanizing process that is hightly polluting and dangerous.
Technical and economic advantages:
- Realization of a highly innovative and with high performances, for applications today precluded to commercial galvanized wires or, anyway, with their excessive corrosion.
- The possibility to use the new coated wires also for high temperature purposes.
- Increase of rigidity of wires and of their mechanical properties, so as to be possibile to have a reduction of wire sections, with same load to sustain.
- Higher resistence to scraps of alluminuri wires and better surface than wires with only aluminium coating.
- Highly improved protection against corrosion than commercial galvanized wire, except for highly basic environments.
- Lower prices of raw materials, as currently light alloys swarfs (cleaned) are available at five times lower price than those for zinc blocks.